Thursday, October 16, 2008

General Movie Blabbing

Comment here if you like: must-see movies, any miscellaneous as relates to class, if even loosely.
See you around you guys. Be good to John, he loves you so... (A quote from "Gone with the Wind" - kinda).

Well, that's what I am anyway - gone with the wind.
If I get stuck in Egypt... it's been great!
Be good. Be brave. Get some sleep

and VOTE!!

Yours Humbly,


Anonymous said...

So waht are we supposed to watch this week --- Gone With the Wind, Casablanca, or All Quiet on the Western Front?

Dalan Swenson said...

I hate blockbuster. they never have the movies I need for this class.

jdailey said...

I believe that Netflix has most of the movies everyone wants but the only problem is that I share my netflix membership. I have caught two of the movies on Youtube (Birth of a Nation and Battleship Potempkin) but they were in twenty parts!

JSTEVENS35 said...

a good movie i recently watched was title "southland Tales" its a movie based on fictional interpretation of how in todays sociatity americans take forgrated what we have. how we have become over obsessed with celebrities in the media. how our gas prices have skyrocketed due to overconsuption and how our politions are corupt. in the end all of our laziness, coruption ang missuse of power utterly brings forth the apocalitic dimise of the world.