Saturday, November 22, 2008

Movie Assignments over the holiday

As on the handout, do go see an IMAX movie (preferably 3D) with an eye to present-day technologies and where they might go next. (Sorry "Dark Knight" just left). :-(

For our 70's week, see "Network" or "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest."


History of Motion said...

ps. The rest of the films should run as scheduled.

Anonymous said...

Well I guess I'm the only one so far to do the IMAX thing - here it goes. I ended up watching The Polar Express in 3D with Tom Hanks. I know I've seen this one before (like most of you have - I hope) when it came out a few years back and the only difference is that this one on IMAX format and in 3D (which was so totally cool) and made the movie a little bit better. The graphics (since it is CG created) are great. and the voice over cool. In all, it's not a bad for a kid flick. I think the next step to the current filmmaking thing would be some sort of virtual interactive movies like in Star Trek's Holodeck suites or virtual reality like movies.
However, the only down side to this IMAX experience is the $$$$$ that everybody got to dish out --- $15.00 for an IMAX movie wheter i is 3D or not, and the parking thing is an extra fee (sure they validate - but if you get there too early or leave too late. You pay up like I did) and there's a snack bar in there and it is the same price as the normal movie theaters. And the choices for your viewing $15.00 pleasure are The Polar Express (in 3D) & Eagle Eyes (both feature length films). And a couple of actual IMAX 3D movies (all are 40 + minutes of film). So I'd like to recommend the feature films for your viewing pleasure to get your money's worth. Well unless if you're willing to pay more for less.

As for this week's "Assigned" movie--- I've seen "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" with Jack Nicholson --- which was a totally cool movie.

Anonymous said...

Okay I'm back like the Backstreet Boys. Anyways, One Who Flew the Cuckoo's Nest is totally cool. The acting alone was superb. Jack Nicholson's barss character McMurphy totally contrasts Louise Fletcher's ironfisted dictatorlike character Nurse Ratched. This film is definite classic and well deserved "Big Five" Academy Awards --- Best Picture, Best Lead Actor, Best Actress, Best Director, and Best Screenplay. This is a "Must See" movie if you haven't seen it yet. My favorite scene would be the one when Jack Nicholson commandeered the facility bus & took his "Friends" out and about town unsupervised.

Dalan Swenson said...

I did not have a chance to see a IMAX film last week, but I did see ont this summer. It was about the grand canyon and was in 3D. I found the 3D experience to be overwhelming at first, it made me kind of sick. But once eyes/mind adjusted I enjoyed the film.

Amber Garcia said...

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest was an amazing movie even thou it was super long.

it reminded me of a more serious patch adams, i really like the characters and the fact that Jack Nicholson played for the most part a hero to his fellow mates. I found that to be very touching.

all in all i was a terrific movie i might ask for it for christmas =)

Miss Erin G said...

I didn't get a chance to go to the IMAX theatre but I did see "Beowulf" on IMAX 3d twice. It was an amazing experience and I encouraged everyone to see it when it was out. I watched "One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" this week and this is one of Jack Nicholson's best performances. He allowed his fellow inmates to explore options that they were not customed to. He was the only one trying to leave the ward but was one of the one's that was committed which I found quite ironic. His heroic/dangerous/crazy character brought a light to the live of his fellow mates. Overall, a very good movie and definitely a classic.

jdailey said...

I cannot afford to go see an IMAX movie, but I did watch "One Flew over The Cuckoo's Nest". First of all this is one of the best movies ever made. The Director Milos Foreman is a genious at capturing insanity (like in his later film Amadeus). The acting is astounding and the story keeps you involved the entire flick even though most of it takes place in the same room at the mental institution. I believe this film describes the times as well, not just because the people dress in 70s clothing but mental institutes like that are not a common place anymore. Labodomies are not done anymore because of recent human right movements (the labotomy McMurphy got at the end of the film), and law enforcement is much more strict (you couldn't escape a place like that anymore to go sailing). The all star cast Devito, Nicholson, and Llyod drove this film with their absolutley insane acting. Makes you really think that people that can act so well like a crazy person might actually have problems themselves. This film really shows me that around the 60s and 70s is when we get out of the classics (leave it to beaver type films) and into a new form of classic, films that are incredibly artistic and that can stand untouched for decades to come. Its funny I was watching a film from 1975 (One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest) and after the end I realized I haven't seen a movie that good in years. Pure genious.

jdailey said...

I have seen many 3d movies before, even though I have not been to the IMAX out here in California (except for 300). The 3d experience brings a new way of seeing a film by far. The most noteable 3d experience I remember was Terminator 3d at Universal Studios in Florida. In Terminator 3d they get everyone involved by having live actors on stage talking about the war to come. Then just as they run behind the screen the film starts and they are in the film with our governer Arnold Shwartznegger killing terminators. The things that fly out at you look so real that everyone is reaching out to touch them even though they still know it isn't real. I also noticed that when you take off the glasses you can't see whats on the screen, everything is blurry. A 3d movie to me isn't about being entertained by a rich story, it is more about just seeing cool visualizations that seem to pop out at you. I am glad to see that 3d movies have continued on to entertain people even though it seems to be a simplicstic way for people to get involved in a film.

Lily Torres said...

one flew over the cuckoo's nest has to be one of my favorite movies. jack nicholson plays an amazing role. he is able to befriend everyone and give them hope, and life. he teaches them that they can do whatever they want to put their minds to, as oppose to the doctors and nurses at the ward that keep them constrained for not behaving correctly. At first jack nicholson looks like a completely insane man but as the film progresses you begin to see that his motives and intentions are to only help his fellow friends. i like this film a lot.

AuburnsOwnEly said...

Not a fan of the 3D experience... for two reasons...

1) If I want to feel like I'm at the Polar Express... I'll GO to the Polar express, I don't want to dish out $15 a flick to pretend that I'm there.

2) $15.

I can certainly appreciate the technological achievement of making a movie 3D, it's a beautiful thing, but unnecessary in my honest opinion. I understand doing it for the educational docs that explore space and all that goodness... but I recently saw a trailer for a horror flick in 3D... no doubt I'll see it... but I'm not proud of the fact.

I feel that the whole 3D thing is just done to be done, not for story purposes, not to enhance the emotions... but just to impress, I could be wrong. I think the whole 3D thing works for interactive stuff... like the Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas, or in rides Disney Land, that stuff works because they make the guest feel like they're part of the adventure... I'm sure the IMAX thing is meant to do the same thing, but it just doesn't work in my opinion.

Unknown said...

I also didn't get to see an IMAX movie over the holidays but watched "One Flew over The Cuckoo's Nest" instead. The movie was very well made and I thought the acting and overall plot was directed perfectly. The way the actors and actresses dressed really captures the time of the 60's and 70's and by using such actors as Jack Nicholson really made the movie come together.

I have only seen one 3d Imax movie before at California Adventure. The movie was ANTS and was very amusing. The whole time it really felt like you were up close with the characters from Ants and also the theater had seats that shook, grabbed and poked you accordingly to the movie. Another affect of the movie was smell. There was different smells to go along with the movie which made for a very interesting and fun time.

JSTEVENS35 said...

i watched "one flew over the cuckoos nest". tho ive seen it before it is a classic movie and one of my favorite jack nicholson movies. He does an amazing job as playing a madman in his role as mcmurphy.he really brings the character to life and the film as well.
i didnt go to the imax but i went last year at one point and watched a very interesting movie about an indian tribe living 100s of years ago in the desert. i dont remember the name of it but i do remember of the whole imax experince brought to life a whole new way and feeling of watching a movie. its def. something everyone should experience.

Jake Schantz said...

I watched Network again for the millionth time, and wasn't any less amazed than the first time I watched it. Sidney Lumet is an absolute genius, his Oscar record proves that, and here not only does his masterty of staging evocative drama into elaborate set pieces come into play, but also controls his A-List cast with ease. Peter Finch will always be remembered for his notorios line about being mad as hell, but for me, the heart of the movie lies with William Holden. My favorite scene is his reaction to the second time Finch fouls up the airwaves with his half-assed apology, saying he just "ran out of bullshit." When everyone around him panics in the control room and looks to Holden to say something, he angerily points out "He's just saying life is bullshit, and it is." If Charlie Kauffman would ever become mainstream, this would be as close he could get.
Finch definetly is the voice of the film, but it's Holden who anchors it with his ragged face and worn eyes. It's sad that in this day and age, an actor of such versality and strength gets pushed aside, when so many great films were made greater by his presence. If you don't know who I'm talking about, I envy you. You have a lot of great movies ahead of you to discover.

Anonymous said...


I watched "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" for our film this week. I enjoyed the book when I read it in high school, and have always liked the movie as well. It's an interesting step back from reality and a strange new way to see the world through someone else's eyes.

Jack Nicholson did a terrific job in this film, as did all the other actors. It's such an odd feeling to look back at all of these men and see them when they were so young. They really got into their characters and played them convincingly. It's a shocking and blunt movie, but is well made because of it.

I didn't get a chance to see an IMAX movie because my only day off this weekend was Thanksgiving, and that was spent with family. Plus, IMAX is expensive, and I don't really have a lot of extra cash right now. But I've heard from a few friends that it's a very intense experience. It's like the "wide screen tv" for movie theaters. I plan on seeing the next Harry Potter film (which comes out in July) in IMAX to at least see what it's like. I think once I get over the grandeur of it, I'll really enjoy it.

jmkingston said...

As far as the 3-D IMAX goes, I did not get to see one this holiday, due to cash and time issues, but I believe the last one I did see was a couple of years ago when I went with my daughter's 2nd grade class to see Santa vs the Snowman. The movie was a typical commercialized annoying kid's flick, but the 3-D was fun. I love watching movies in 3-D, if they are good, then that's even a bonus. They remind me of the times when I was a kid and we used to go. They have come a long way with technnology, but 3-D really hasn't changed all that much since.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is one of my favorite movies. I think Jack Nicholson had the perfect part. I loved the weird music played in all the appropriate parts. It's also fun to see some other up and coming young stars. Not only were the characters memorable, but the story was so moving and believable too. Jack's relationships with the staff and patients follows a familiar storyline that has been used over and again, but were so very fine tuned, I think, due to Jack's performance.

Unknown said...

Alright. I just saw Eagle Eye tonight at the imax theater. I hadn't seen this movie yet, which I was excited about. Regretfully I have not been to a movie theater since August. Which is highly uncharacteristic of myself.

Anyway, the 6 story high screen is awesome. There was also about 50 speakers around the room and all pumping digital sound. It was great! I've decided when I get a house, I should have an imax theater in it. Well, wishful thinking.

Even though things are tight, I'm glad I went to the movie. The movie ticket was a bit much for a movie. Its a shame the ticket prices are so high. They would probably get more traffic if the prices weren't so much.

By the way, if any of you get the chance to see Eagle Eye, I do recommend it. I had a good time in the movie, and I was honestly surprised the story line had more depth to it than I originally expected.

Adelita's blog said...

I had watched this film a very long time ago, when I was young and didn't remember anything, then I actually played a warden in the play in high school and I still didn't remember what the script was about(to busy messing around). I have just finished watching One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest and I cant believe how brilliant this film was not to mention the acting. Jack Nicholson was phenomenal. This felt like a representation of the struggles that exist in all controlled environments and or institutions where people are misunderstood and labeled, and consequently molded to fit that label. I definitely have a deep appreciation for all the cinematography, the opening and closing shots were breathtaking. The audio for this film was so clean considering the older technology. The crew for this film definitely new what they were doing.It was so cool to see all these accomplished actors in their younger days. This film should be seen by every film major. I loved it.

Brittany_Hazelton said...

One flew over the cukoo's next was hard for me to sit through. I have seen the entire thing in small pieces, but I have never watched it from start to finish. Even for this project I had to take breaks regularly before I could see it all.

I think the problem is that the overall story doesn't really catch me. There are interesting things that happen in each scene and individually I find them fun to watch. However, when the entire story is put together it loses my attention quickly.

One reason for this might be the fact that the main charactor never makes any effortt to change his behavior. Sure in the end he is brain dead but that is the result of torture and not him. It could be argued that chief is the hero because he is the one who chooses to develop and change into a new person.

I didn't see an Imax movie but I did see Bolt over vaction. Although it is an animated film there is still plenty of works that goes into it. One thing I have thought about recently is foley in animation. The fact that a movie can bring you in so completly even though it isn't really beng acted out is amazing.

Anonymous said...

I watched One who flew over the cuckoo’s nest, I have never seen it before and I thought it was a very good movie. I was surprised that Chief killed McMurphy at the end. I would have waited to see how he acted in the morning, but I figured that Chief thought that the doctors had taken his mind from him and he will never again be the same. It was awesome when he threw the sink through the window and walked off. There were some great actors in the movie too; I didn’t even recognize Danny DeVito! And Christopher Lloyd’s ears were the biggest I have seen them. The cinematography was creative, like the angle they shot when McMurphy was trying to teach Chief how to dunk, looking down from the basket. Jack Nicholson played the part all too well. It was sad that the nurse never changed, she stayed a b*#@! And never realized that she had drove Billy to kill himself. Makes you realize how fragile and complex a human mind is. I am going to defiantly add this movie to my collection.
I didn’t go see an IMAX movie, but I saw one last year in Las Vegas. It was a cheesy Hunted House show that turned out to be a musical instead of creepy. But it was a funny experience seeing a movie in 3D, the screen is huge, wearing the glasses make the experience all the more fun. I defiantly think the technology is outstanding and cannot wait until more movie become 3D like Batman and Spy Kids did. The only down side is that you have to pay almost twice as much to get in, but the more popular and the more movies being available, the price will hopefully get cheaper. One day I think maybe they will have 3D movies you can see without 3D glasses and maybe one day 3D movies through your television and DVDs at home with out 3D glasses. And maybe virtual headsets will one day enter into our homes for use with video games and TV/Movies!