Monday, November 17, 2008

Week 6: "Clockwork Orange" or "2001: A Space Odyssey"

Give Kubrick your tough critique.  He's dead, but your considered response still matters....


Adrienne Harris said...

This was a very disturbing film. It was a lesson to learn for parents not involved in their children's lives.

The classical music of Beethoven was such a contrast to what you would expect the character to like.

I thought the sets were unpredictable, so it created a more interesting setting.

I liked when Alex was caught, he began to pay for his terrible crimes, but that was short lived. I hate the ending! In no way should Alex not be responsible for his crimes. He was responsible for murder and raped. It is like these crimes were not seen as so serious because of the ending. He was not cured and he should pay!

Anonymous said...

I like this movie. It was different and it shows the dark side of filmmaking. Roddy McD. kicks a** in this movie...fits him perfectly. Will sit it agai and again and again.

Unknown said...

I have seen this film before. I have honestly only watched this movie a handful of times. The first of which I was a kid and didn't really understand what was totally going on. I remember being interested in the narration of the movie when I first saw this as a kid. Once the parents realized what was going on, the movie was turned off. Fortunately when I was in high school I got a real look at this movie again. Of course, being so much more responsible at the time...

Strangely enough I find different parts of the movie to laugh at every time I have watched this. The stamping of the foot by the prison guard. The mocking way our dearest character is expecting to be fed near the end of the movie in the hospital. I have not really laughed at the violent scenes, I generally don't find them funny. I do laugh at the 2 girls scene every time though. The stop animation with the choice of music in that scene is just too much not to laugh. Editing that scene may have been quite a chore.

The illustration of sex and violence and the relationship of the two is a little in your face for the time of this film's production. In today's age we are so desensitized to much of this that it may not have the same effect on us today as it did to society a handful of decades ago.

Kudos to our departed director for this film. It is racy and very "out there" for the time this was produced and released.

-Jeremy Kashatok

Carter said...

Kubrick,2001 a space odyssey- A okay movie with good looking video but the sound sucks. This movie has crappy audio and bad sound effects. Overall that is the only problem I had with the movie.

Lily Torres said...

i watched clockwork orange, and this was the second time i saw it. both times i saw it i thought that it was disturbing. the amount of violence in the movie is so graphic and ridiculous. everything about the movie is bizarre, from the outfits to the sets, it is all chaotic. i like how alex had it all and threw it all away because he did not think of the consequences behind them. the fact that he gets caught and has to pay all his dues to society is a nice touch to all his wrongdoing. i just don't like how at the rnd he is cured so easily.
The role of the government is also important. alex's parents only believe what the newspapers say and don't even bother to ask alex. they just go with the flow like the rest of society, and it goes to show how believable society is to whatever the government tells them.

Unknown said...

2001 a space odyssey was a very fun film to watch and very interesting at the same time. The computers and different gadgets used for film are really detailed and make the movie what it is today.

After researching a little about the film I found that many things were done to capture the shots for this film. The inside shots of the Discovery were done by putting the set on a ferris wheel built for this movie only and while the wheel moved the actor walked along the bottom to get the feeling of the ship moving through space. This was just one of many examples that caught my attention.

The idea of having a talking computer with the movie seems to lead into many other space and robot related movies. 2001 A Space Odyssey is overall a really good movie that I would like to keep around.

AuburnsOwnEly said...

I HATE A Clock Work Orange... I can honestly say that watching that movie makes me cringe... but I have issues with movies that show rape... it bothers me. I can appreciate what makes it a cult classic, after all it is a very intense story told very well. The director knew what he was doing by using subtle techniques to make the audience feel more uncomfortable.

As for a 2001... that movie was just straight up boring. It is very difficult for me to watch that movie without falling asleep.

I'm not a big fan... but these movies made cinematic history for a reason, whether it be the subtle techniques that enhance the story, the triumphant music, or incorporating monkeys.... these movies did SOMETHING right.

Manuel V said...

Ive watched a clockwork orange and loved it. I dont know if that makes me a sick person or something but I found it very entertaining, even with all the rape and violence. The thing is I didnt find the film THAT violent but back when it was made I can see why it was considered ultra-violent.
I also thought the acting was great, especially when they would tempt the main character with a naked chick and he would get really sick.
Great story, great acting, a film i can watch over and over again.

Anonymous said...

2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968 was a good film, it showed how inventions and technology changes the world. It kept me entertained, it was interesting to see how they thought the future would be like and what technology they came up with. A sci-fi movie like this is common for today’s world, but in the 60’s I bet it was fun to watch this movie and see what they came up with. Kind of reflects on Modern Times because it shows how technology changes the world and people around you, even though they were very different movies. A talking computer is a norm for futuristic movies now. Of course the quality of the film, color technology and audio are much better than Gone with the Wind and Casablanca. Audio has definitely gotten clearer and sharper. In a lot of the movies in the 60s played with new camera angles, I thought this movie was pretty creative with the camera shots.

jmkingston said...

A Clockwork Orange shows how Kubrick wanted to get the attention of an audience by using a little shock factor. The movie was provoking, and at the same time disturbing, which is what I think Kubrick was going for. Disturbing to the point that I believe there were certain venues that refused to show the movie when it was released. There were the rape scenes, one of them being presented as superficial. The other, a totally brutal and thoughtless act by a gang of thugs, in turn ruining not only a woman's life, but the life of her husband also.
Provoking was the idea that there was actually reform for the leader, Alex. The approach to rehabilitation was so elementary in the process, it almost seemed possible.
I have to say that Kubrick did do a fine job of reaching out, even if it involved utilizing sex and violence as the tool to do so, but also the cinematography was well thought out. I had heard also that Kubrick was difficult to work with because he would do a million takes before calling it a wrap, but just to get the exact feeling and shot he was looking for. I think that shows in his work. There was a definitive feeling that came across in the film. I'm sure even for 1973, this was just as disturbing then as it is now.

vanessa said...

2001: Space Odyssey is a perfect example of what could happen if we let technology go to far. It is scary to think that we could create something that could turn on us and kill us. In A Clockwork Orange they use technology to try and Change Alex's behavior. This is also a scary thought because it could be done to us without our consent.

Adelita's blog said...

I had watched Clockwork Orange A while back and I remember it being disturbing, I just finished watching it again and I was equally disturbed. I will say now I noticed how important the music was in makeing the film the huge success it has been. The futureistic feel and bright colors still feel applicable. The main character is obviously a disturbed individual who commits hannis crimes, is punished and revisited by his victims, all to be reverted back to the monster he was in the begging.I think this movie should be redone so the guys don't seem so gay looking, with a modern touch, yeah thats what feels so wrong and grose is that all these men look so gay through the whole film. Even though films nowadays are so raw this was and is still a hard film to sit through.

Dalan Swenson said...

I'm sorry but I could not finish 2001: A space odyssey. It was slow and some scenes were drawn out to the point of annoyance. There was some beautiful cinematography and I can't imagine what kind of special effects were needed to create the space scenes. But other than that the long drawn out scenes were all to much for me.

jdailey said...

Bizarre. After watching this film several times in my life I still don't understand the milk bar. I believe the main guy actually got what he deserved towards the end when his so called friends found him and beat the crap out of him. Unfortunately he had already undergone the television torture which seemed to have rehabilitated him. Overall I believe this says a lot about the seventies, but not the seventies in America. The obscure art and odd story says a lot of things that I don't believe that most people will pick up on the first time. This is definately a stand alone film and it stands the test of time. -Justin Dailey in response to A Clockwork Orange.

Jake Schantz said...

One of my favorite Kubrick films, though I think it's message gets lost in the hype and controversy surrounding it. The violent world Alex creates for himself and his community is treated so light hearted, that it allows the violence to speak for itself in terms of it's viciousness.
Kubrick can't help but be over the top, and if he were anything less, it wouldn't really be his movie.
What I love about this ending, and most of his endings, is that no one learns anything and the cycle will begin again.
All his characters seem to have a glorious outcomes when it comes to fulfilling their evil desires.

Young Vaughn said...

i like how in this film the tables turned on the young rebel adolescent and how he gets a dose of his own medicine literally. this experience is meant to change his perception of reality. they make all his rebel beefs a living nightmare. the film does an excellent job conveying the fact that hes changed.

JSTEVENS35 said...

clockwork orange is a dark and violent movie for the times. its wierd but in a way alex in the beginning of the film reminds me of the joker in the dark knight. dark and evil but doing everything desturctive with a big smile on his face while singing along{ as in the rape scene} i think kubrick took alot of chances in the this movie and really wanted to push the envolope with its darkness. my favorite scene is when the camera pans out from the gang drinking the milk laced with narcotics, with the dolls laying around.. its very dark.